

10 Windows File Explorer Features You Should Be Using

2023年2月11日 — Windows 10 users can still get tabs in File Explorer---they'll just need to install a third-party app to get File Explorer tabs on Windows 10.

8 Apps to Enable Tabs in File Explorer on Windows 10

2022年1月18日 — 8 Apps to Enable Tabs in File Explorer on Windows 10 · 1. XYplorer · 2. Total Commander · 3. Directory Opus · 4. QTTabBar · 5. Altap Salamander.

Did you know that at one point Windows 10 too had tabs in ...

2022年11月30日 — This was possible due to the now long discontinued feature named Sets which basically allowed you to have a tabbed interface in any app ...

Do This to Enable File Explorer Tabs on Windows 10

2023年9月21日 — If you want to enable tabs in File Explorer on Windows 10, you can use the Files app mentioned in this post to achieve this aim.

How to open file explorer folders as new tabs by default ...

2023年2月16日 — What I would like to happen is that the Downloads folder is opened as a new tab in the file explorer windows which I already am using.


File Explorer has a different content view than Windows Explorer: a combination of the navigation pane and the detailed view. You can navigate through folders ...

Windows explorer tabs

2022年12月16日 — If is very unusual for you not to have the new tabbed File Explorer, the best option may be to perform an in-place repair with the Windows 11 ...


2023年2月11日—Windows10userscanstillgettabsinFileExplorer---they'lljustneedtoinstallathird-partyapptogetFileExplorertabsonWindows10.,2022年1月18日—8AppstoEnableTabsinFileExploreronWindows10·1.XYplorer·2.TotalCommander·3.DirectoryOpus·4.QTTabBar·5.AltapSalamander.,2022年11月30日—ThiswaspossibleduetothenowlongdiscontinuedfeaturenamedSetswhichbasicallyallowedyoutohaveatabbedinterfaceinanyapp ...,...